Best Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems 2022

A decade ago, intrusion detection and prevention technology was regarded as a luxury for enterprises with larger budgets. Today, protection against internal and external threats is an absolute necessity.... Read more »

Why You Should Invest in Cybersecurity Insurance

The business world has begun to realize the importance of robust cybersecurity. It’s the top IT spending priority for businesses in 2022, with 69% of organizations increasing their security... Read more »

What You Need to Know About Scriptless Testing

The rise of development environments like Agile and DevOps means developer teams can now release application software even multiple times a day. While this has been a blessing for... Read more »

Best Patch Management Software & Tools 2022

When a security vulnerability is discovered in software or network infrastructure code, it rarely makes sense to overhaul the whole product, especially due to the time, cost, and frequency... Read more »

GitHub Actions vs. Jenkins: 2022 Software Comparison

In the fast-paced software development market of today, catering to the needs of customers while efficiently competing with competitors is not easy. Organizations should employ a hardy toolkit to... Read more »

Fending Off Socially Engineered Attacks

Information is one of any company’s most prized possessions, and when attackers know that you have valuable data, they will try anything to get it. Social engineering refers to... Read more »

Hiring Crunch in Cybersecurity & What Your Company Can Do About It

Cybersecurity hiring is facing a skilled labor shortage as companies undergo digital transformation and need more cybersecurity professionals than the current labor market can provide. Over the past two... Read more »

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) Pros & Cons

As cyber attacks become more sophisticated and happen more frequently, SBOMs or software bills of materials have become a more common practice across the software supply chain to trace... Read more »

API Security: 12 Best Practices

An application programming interface (API) is a set of rules and specifications that govern how two applications can interact, usually over the internet. API is also known as an... Read more »

Copado: A DevOps Value Chain is Forged by Visibility

Despite the rise of low-code/no-code software platforms and the efforts laid down by top-tier software vendors to simplify their expanding product portfolios, the general trend that surfaces across the... Read more »
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