18 Types of Network Security Solutions to Implement

Network security comprises technologies, processes, and purpose-built devices designed to safeguard an organization’s network infrastructure from unauthorized access, exploitation of corporate resources, improper disclosure, and denial of services. It ensures the confidentiality and accessibility of corporate information and promotes data integrity.

Effectively protecting networks against cyberthreats requires a comprehensive and dynamic approach. It involves using a combination of multiple tools for different network security types, continuous monitoring, and proactive defense measures. Organizations can also employ various solutions to follow specific cybersecurity concepts such as zero trust, edge security, and defense-in-depth models and deliver a comprehensive defense strategy.

There is a wide array of network security solutions that protect against cyberthreats, including firewall software, access control tools, antivirus solutions, and intrusion detection systems.

Importance of network security

The importance of network security cannot be overstated, particularly in the face of escalating cyberthreats that loom over organizations today:

  • It protects sensitive information, such as personal data and financial records, from unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • It helps prevent cyberattacks by detecting, mitigating, and thwarting malicious activities.
  • It ensures business continuity by maintaining the integrity and availability of networks, minimizing downtime, and securing productivity.
  • It plays a crucial part in regulatory compliance and guarantees adherence to data security and privacy requirements.
  • It empowers businesses to maintain the trust of customers and stakeholders.

Proper understanding and utilization of network security software enable organizations to keep threats at bay and maintain a secure network environment where they can fulfill critical functions. This article delivers insights into various types of network security solutions and how they work to protect networks from threats.

1. Firewalls

Firewalls are network security tools that function as a protective barrier between a private internal network and the public internet. They inspect incoming and outgoing traffic according to predefined rules or policies. By analyzing packet headers, source and destination IP addresses, port numbers, and protocols, firewalls determine whether to permit or block traffic. 

Firewalls come in both software and hardware forms. Firewall software is a program installed on a host or computer system, while hardware-based firewalls are dedicated physical devices placed at the network perimeters. Both types block malicious traffic, such as viruses and hackers. 

Firewalls can also be categorized according to their specific types and functions:

Next-generation firewall (NGFW)

A next-generation firewall (NGFW) is an advanced network security tool that combines traditional firewall capabilities with additional features to provide upgraded network protection. Unlike traditional firewalls that function at the transport layer, NGFWs operate at the application layer (up to layer 7) of the OSI model. They can filter packets based on applications and inspect the data within packets, going beyond IP headers.

NGFWs also offer a range of sophisticated capabilities such as application awareness, intrusion prevention, web filtering, advanced threat protection, and integration with other security technologies.

Web application firewalls (WAF)

A web application firewall (WAF) shields web applications by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic. It defends against attacks such as cross-site forgery, cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and file inclusion. WAFs can be host-based, network-based, or cloud-based, deployed through reverse proxies.

While traditional firewalls focus on traffic filtering and access control, WAFs give application-layer protection by inspecting the content and structure of web traffic. WAFs can understand the context and intent of web requests, allowing them to detect and block sophisticated attacks that conventional firewalls might miss.

2. Anti-malware software

Anti-malware software defends networks from malicious software types. This includes spyware, viruses, botnets, Trojan horses, worms, rootkits, and ransomware.

While some use the terms antivirus and anti-malware interchangeably, there are some differences between the two. Anti-malware employs multiple detection methods, like signature-based and behavior-based detection, heuristic analysis, sandboxing, and real-time threat intelligence. In addition to real-time file scanning, it offers web protection, email protection, firewall integration, and advanced threat detection features.

Antivirus software

Antivirus software is a type of anti-malware solution that detects, prevents, and removes computer viruses. It compares files and programs against a database of known virus signatures to provide protection. The software ensures safety by scanning files, email attachments, and web downloads. It operates in the background, constantly monitoring and blocking viruses without interrupting business operations, maintaining the security and integrity of computer systems.

3. Virtual private networks (VPNs)

A virtual private network, or VPN, is a network security tool that allows users to establish protected network connections when browsing public networks. It serves as a network security type that adds an extra layer of defense and anonymity.

Acting as a secure tunnel, VPNs encrypt internet traffic and hide online identities, making it difficult for third parties to track activities and steal data. VPNs increase data transmission confidentiality through employing encryption protocols like IPsec or SSL/TLS. organizations can mitigate risks, enhance privacy, and maintain the security of their data and communications by incorporating a business VPN into their network security strategy.

4. Zero trust networking solutions

Zero trust networking access (ZTNA) solutions are a category of network security tools into various network security types. These software solutions adhere to the principles and framework of zero trust security, which emphasizes the absence of inherent trust in users or devices, both within and outside the network perimeter. Every user and device must undergo authentication and authorization processes before gaining access to other devices, applications, data, systems, and networks.

This approach efficiently shields against unauthorized access and malicious actors, safeguarding users, applications, and data from potential threats and breaches. Here are some of the tools used for ZTNA:

Identity and access management (IAM)

Identity and access management (IAM) software facilitates verifying user identities and managing resource access. Its main focus is confirming that authorized users and devices have appropriate access to resources based on defined policies. IAM systems let administrators modify user roles, monitor user activities, generate reports, and enforce policies to maintain compliance and protect data security and privacy.

Network segmentation

Network segmentation involves dividing a network into separate segments or VLANs. Organizations can carry out this security measure through various means, such as software-defined networking (SDN) technologies, virtualization, network segmentation appliances, or enterprise LAN infrastructure.

This practice comes with several security benefits, including containment of threats by limiting their effect to specific segments, implementing access control mechanisms to restrict unauthorized access, enforcing segmented security policies based on risk profiles, and minimizing the attack surface by isolating critical systems. Network segmentation lets organizations strengthen security, comply with regulations, and protect sensitive data by creating logical boundaries within the network infrastructure.

Network microsegmentation

Network microsegmentation is an advanced network security approach with greater security control than traditional segmentation methods. While segmentation divides the network into broader sections, microsegmentation takes it a step further by dividing the network into precise segments at the workload or application level. This level of granularity allows for more specific security policies and strict access control, making it one of the effective network security types.

Microsegmentation provides several advantages over traditional segmentation methods. It enhances network security by isolating critical assets, limiting the lateral movement of threats, and containing potential security incidents within isolated segments. Additionally, it offers increased visibility, control, and segmentation within the network infrastructure, leading to a stronger overall security posture.

Security analytics

Security analytics solutions consolidate numerous network security tools to identify, protect, and troubleshoot security events that threaten IT systems using real-time and historical data. By blending big data capabilities with advanced analytics and machine learning (ML), security analytics software allow organizations to collect, analyze, and interpret security data from various sources. 

With features like threat intelligence integration, log analysis, behavioral analytics, anomaly detection, and incident response support, security analytics gives organizations the power to detect and mitigate insider threats, persistent cyber threats, and targeted attacks. Security analytics tools support proactive threat hunting and have data visualization and reporting capabilities.

5. Network monitoring tools

Network monitoring tools is a broad term that covers a wide range of solutions designed to monitor and analyze network activity, performance, and security. In terms of network security types, network monitoring tools show data to help organizations maintain the stability and security of their networks. They provide valuable insights into network behavior, uncover anomalies, and initiate proactive security measures.

The following are some common types of network monitoring tools used in network security solutions:

Network access control (NAC)

Network access control (NAC) solutions enforce organizational policies by verifying the identity and compliance of devices before granting them network access. These authenticate users and devices, making sure they have up-to-date security software and patches. NAC solutions often integrate with other security components, like firewalls or VPNs, for increased protection.

Intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS)

An intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS) is an advanced network security solution that combines the functionalities of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS). It monitors network traffic and events in real-time, detecting potential security breaches and taking proactive measures to prevent and block threats.

By integrating detection and prevention capabilities, IDPS strengthens network security, automates incident detection and response, and equips organizations to protect their systems, networks, and sensitive data from cyber threats.

Network behavior analysis (NBA)

Network behavior analysis (NBA) or behavior monitoring tools use ML technologies to monitor network traffic, user behavior, and device activities to identify deviations from normal patterns. They spot insider threats, unauthorized access attempts, and abnormal network activities, signaling a potential security breach. NBAs benchmark typical network behavior and flag anomalies that require further analysis. They specialize in discovering new malware and zero-day vulnerabilities. Organizations can implement NBA tools as a hardware appliance or software package.

Network traffic analysis (NTA)

Network traffic analysis (NTA) solutions detect suspicious or malicious activities that may have evaded traditional security controls. By analyzing network traffic patterns using advanced analytics, ML, and behavioral modeling, NTA uncovers anomalies, threats, or indicators of compromise.

These tools give real-time and historical visibility into network activity, helping fix network issues, diagnose connectivity problems, address bandwidth constraints, optimize application performance, and respond to security incidents. NTA can also function as a network troubleshooting tool that accelerates network issue identification and resolution.

Open-source network monitoring tools

Open-source network monitoring tools are applications that offer cost-effective and customizable solutions for monitoring network infrastructure. They provide organizations with flexibility and the ability to adapt the tools to their specific monitoring needs.

Developed and maintained by collaborative communities, open-source network monitoring tools bring a wide set of features for real-time monitoring, alerting, reporting, and analysis. Active user communities support users in utilizing and extending the tools.

6. Data loss prevention (DLP)

Data loss prevention (DLP) plays a key role in detecting and preventing data breaches and minimizing insider threats. Its primary purpose is safeguarding sensitive data from unauthorized access, loss, or leakage, making it invaluable for internal security and regulatory compliance with HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR. DLP software employs content filtering, data classification, encryption, and user activity monitoring to maximize data protection.

Data encryption

Data encryption is one of the fundamental types of network security solutions that use encryption algorithms. It is a DLP tool that converts sensitive information into an unreadable ciphertext for added security, even if intercepted. Implementing data encryption software as part of a comprehensive network security strategy minimizes the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches, shielding sensitive data at rest and in transit while aiding regulatory compliance.

7. Security information and event management (SIEM)

Security information and event management (SIEM) software integrates security information management (SIM) and security event management (SEM), boosting security awareness, threat detection, compliance, and incident management.

Leveraging AI, SIEM streamlines preemptive recognition and addresses security threats by automating manual processes. It gathers and analyzes log data, security events, and relevant sources. Both SOC analysts and managed security service providers (MSSPs) rely on SIEM tools to swiftly detect and respond to threats and block attacks based on predefined rules.

User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) 

User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) solutions are a type of SIEM solution that actively tracks user and entity behavior to find potential security threats. It employs ML and data analytics techniques to establish baseline behavior patterns and flag suspicious activities. UEBA monitors the network and user activity logs to get information about user behavior and interactions with critical systems. This aids in anomaly, insider threat, compromised account, and unauthorized access attempt detection.

8. Secure access service edge (SASE)

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) revolutionizes network security by integrating network and security functions into a single cloud-based service. It consolidates secure web gateways, firewalls, data loss prevention, and ZTNA with SD-WAN capabilities.

SASE simplifies network architecture, increases security, and ensures consistent access to applications from any location or network. By delivering cloud-native security functions as a service, SASE presents a reliable framework for connecting users, systems, and endpoints to applications and services anywhere.

Secure email gateways (SEG)

Secure Email Gateways (SEG) solutions give exhaustive protection for email communications by defending against spam, phishing, and malware. They analyze inbound and outbound email traffic, utilizing filters and policies to identify and block malicious messages. SEGs also offer email encryption, data loss prevention (DLP), and email archiving for compliance.

Positioned inline between the public internet and corporate email servers, SEG software scans emails for threats before they reach the organization’s systems. By inspecting email content, applying content filtering, and defending against phishing attacks, SEGs ensure secure communication.

Deployed as on-premises appliances or cloud services, SEGs utilize signature analysis, ML, and threat intelligence to detect and mitigate advanced attacks, granting organizations protection against evolving email threats.

9. Vulnerability management

Vulnerability management solutions maintain the security of computer systems, networks, and applications. They scan for known vulnerabilities, assess their severity, and help prioritize remediation efforts. By continuously addressing potential weaknesses, these solutions prevent attacks and minimize damage in the event of a data breach.

Vulnerability management is an ongoing, automated process that reduces an organization’s overall risk exposure. Here are some of the tools often deployed for vulnerability management:

Web application scanners

Web application scanners are essential in vulnerability management, working alongside manual code reviews, penetration testing, and security assessments. Integrating these scanners allows organizations to proactively identify and address security weaknesses, reducing the risk of cyberattacks and maintaining secure web applications. These automated tools crawl websites, analyze files, and detect software vulnerabilities.

Penetration testing

Penetration testing solutions, also called pen testing solutions, are tools or services that simulate real-world cyberattacks on systems, networks, or applications. They help organizations identify vulnerabilities, assess the effectiveness of their security controls, and gauge the reliability of their security posture. They uncover weaknesses and demonstrate their business impacts. Pen testing tools, such as static and dynamic analysis tools, automate tasks, raise testing efficiency, and unearth hard-to-find issues.

10. Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR)

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) is a software solution that expedites security operations by blending and automating several security tools and processes. It equips organizations to gather and analyze security alerts, automate incident response actions, and centrally manage security operations. SOAR offers a holistic threat management system with the following key capabilities:

  • Security orchestration: SOAR brings together diverse security tools and processes for centralized coordination and workflow management. Organizations can optimize security operations, boost team collaboration, and support steady and reliable responses to security incidents. Cybersecurity and IT teams can join forces to address the network environment, employing both internal data and external threat intelligence. This integrated approach lets teams identify and fix the underlying causes of each security situation.
  • Security automation: SOAR excels in security automation, empowering organizations to automate repetitive and manual security tasks. Making use of predefined playbooks and workflows, SOAR unburdens the workload on IT teams and accelerates response to threats. Through automation, SOAR eliminates the need for manual steps, refining incident response actions such as data gathering, analysis, remediation, and reporting.
  • Security response: SOAR strengthens organizations’ security response capabilities by introducing a consolidated dashboard for incident management, tracking, and reporting. It enables organizations to promptly prioritize and respond to security events to ease and control cyber threat impacts in time.

11. Managed detection and response (MDR)

Managed detection and response (MDR) is a wide-ranging network security solution that provides organizations with remotely accessed security operations center (SOC) functions, enabling rapid threat detection, analysis, investigation, and active response.

MDR providers utilize a combination of security technologies, threat intelligence, and skilled analysts to deliver their services, using different security tools to monitor and deal with security incidents. MDR incorporates a human element, with researchers and engineers responsible for monitoring networks, analyzing incidents, and handling security cases.

The following are some of the most widely-used MDR tools today:

Endpoint detection and response (EDR)

Endpoint detection and response (EDR), also known as endpoint detection and threat response (EDTR), is a technology that focuses on detecting and responding to sophisticated threats targeting endpoints. It provides real-time visibility into endpoint activities, collecting and analyzing data to identify suspicious behavior and potential security breaches.

EDR solutions offer features such as threat hunting, incident response automation, and remediation to mitigate and contain security threats. EDR is considered a critical component of any comprehensive endpoint security solution.

Extended detection and response (XDR)

Extended detection and response (XDR) is a network security solution that integrates several security capabilities, including EDR, network detection and response (NDR), and cloud workload protection platforms (CWPP). It collects and correlates data from multiple sources, such as endpoints, networks, and cloud environments, for advanced threat detection, incident response, and remediation. With cutting-edge analytics, ML, and automation, XDR takes threat detection and response to the next level. Moreover, the solution improves security decision-making and eliminates visibility gaps.

12. Endpoint protection

Endpoint protection refers to the security measures and solutions implemented to secure individual endpoints, such as desktop computers, laptops, servers, and mobile devices connecting to a network. These solutions are designed to protect endpoints from various threats, including malware, viruses, unauthorized access, and data breaches.

Endpoint protection tools typically include antivirus software, firewalls, IDPS, data encryption, and device control mechanisms. They aim to establish a secure and controlled environment for endpoints by applying security policies, access controls, and encryption mechanisms. By securing individual endpoints, organizations can enhance the overall network security and prevent potential security incidents.

Mobile device management (MDM)

Mobile device management (MDM) solutions are endpoint protection tools that let organizations remotely monitor, control, and secure mobile devices within a network environment. These tools effectively manage smartphones, tablets, and laptops with configuration management, policy enforcement, application management, and data protection. By making use of MDM solutions, organizations uphold network security.

Given the essential role of mobile devices in productivity, businesses heavily rely on them for various tasks, including remote work. Mobile devices connected to the MDM server act as clients and receive remote configurations, applications, and policies. IT admins can centrally manage all mobile devices through the MDM server.

13. Web content filtering

Web content filtering solutions control and manage access to internet content through various techniques. These typically include URL filtering, keyword filtering, blocklisting and allowlisting, content analysis, category filtering, and time-based filtering. Collectively, these methods enable the regulation of web content by blocking or granting access based on predefined criteria.

With web content filtering, organizations and individuals can enforce acceptable use policies, safeguard against inappropriate or harmful content, and enhance network security, creating a safer and more productive online environment.

14. Wireless network security

Wireless network security solutions integrate hardware, software, and protocols to ensure wireless communication confidentiality, integrity, and availability. These solutions incorporate Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2/WPA3) for encryption, 802.1X authentication protocols, and wireless intrusion detection/prevention systems (WIDS/WIPS) to secure wireless networks.

Establishing and enforcing security policies govern the safe use and management of wireless networks. It’s important to note that wireless network security involves a combination of hardware, software, and protocols, and organizations deploy different measures to successfully protect their wireless networks.

15. DDoS protection services

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection or mitigation solutions are software executed by DDoS protection service providers. These network security types include services and applications that defend against DDoS attacks, which aim to overwhelm a target network or system with a flood of traffic, causing disruption or downtime.

The software employs multiple techniques such as traffic analysis, anomaly detection, and rate limiting to pinpoint and block DDoS attacks in real time. DDoS protection carefully filters website traffic so that non-legitimate requests are not permitted while legitimate ones pass through without significant delays in page loading times. Administering a DDoS protection solution fortifies the network infrastructure, safeguarding against the damaging effects of DDoS attacks.

Secure DNS

Secure DNS solutions are types of network security tools specifically designed to bolster domain name system (DNS) security. As a critical element of DDoS protection, the DNS translates domain names into corresponding IP addresses for smooth communication between devices.

DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) are a significant component of secure DNS that give an additional layer of security by introducing digital signatures to DNS records. DNSSEC helps avoid DNS spoofing and manipulation attempts. These solutions also include DNS filtering and blocking to restrict access to malicious or undesirable websites, protect users from harmful content, and reduce the risk of phishing attacks.

16. Secure shell (SSH) tools

Secure shell (SSH) tools are the software applications or utilities that implement the SSH protocol, promoting secure remote access, administration, file transfers, and encrypted communication between networked devices. These tools employ encryption algorithms for data confidentiality and authentication mechanisms to verify user or system identities, preventing unauthorized access and protecting against password-based attacks.

SSH tools support secure file transfer protocols like SFTP and SCP, enabling the secure exchange of files between systems. They also offer tunneling capabilities to create encrypted channels, safeguarding data transmitted through untrusted networks.

17. Network forensics tools

Network forensics is a subset of digital forensics focused on investigating and analyzing security incidents occurring within computer networks. Network forensics tools cover several techniques, tools, and processes to monitor and check network traffic, logs, and digital evidence to determine the root cause of an incident, track the responsible parties, and conduct measures to prevent future attacks.

Key activities within network forensic solutions include capturing and analyzing network packets, examining logs for patterns and anomalies, reconstructing events to understand the sequence of actions, analyzing metadata associated with network traffic, and generating comprehensive reports documenting the findings. Network forensics is vital in incident response, cybersecurity, and law enforcement, supporting breach investigation, threat detection, evidence gathering, and network security enhancement.

18. Network auditing tools

Network auditing software evaluates and ensures the security and compliance of a network infrastructure. These tools conduct in-depth network configurations, access controls, and security policy assessments to detect vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and compliance gaps.

The software automatically reviews the network’s compliance by scanning each device or node. It assesses the security controls of network components and compares them against benchmark requirements. Network auditing software also offers penetration testing and log analysis features.

Bottom line: Establishing a comprehensive network security solutions stack

The network security landscape presents numerous options to strengthen defenses against cyberthreats. Understanding the diverse types of network security solutions is imperative, as they serve as powerful tools to combat malicious actors.

From firewalls and intrusion detection systems to encryption protocols and authentication tools, the array of network security solutions continues to expand. Each solution addresses specific vulnerabilities and provides unique capabilities to safeguard our networks. Recognizing that no single solution can provide foolproof protection, it is vital to combine these tools to achieve a robust defense posture. Embracing the diversity of available options allows organizations to mitigate risks and ensure resilience against emerging threats.

As cybercrime grows in sophistication and scale, investing in a layered network security strategy becomes paramount. Organizations must comprehend the strengths of various security solutions to make informed decisions and safeguard critical assets. Adopting a proactive mindset and employing a multifaceted approach empower us to stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape, securing the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of networks in the face of cyber risks.

Looking to simplify cybersecurity in your enterprise? Here are the best enterprise network security companies to trust with a fully integrated security stack in your organization.

The post 18 Types of Network Security Solutions to Implement appeared first on Enterprise Networking Planet.

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