Public engagement on Local Development Plan 2 to start

People in East Lothian are being given an opportunity to have their say in response to consultations focused on plans to support the council’s vision of an even more prosperous, safe and sustainable county, with a dynamic and thriving economy that enables people and communities to flourish.

A series of joint consultation events on related subjects will be taking place in communities across the coming weeks when residents and partners can come along to find out more about preparations for East Lothian Council’s Local Development Plan 2, Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy, Poverty Plan, Local Economy Strategy and Forestry Woodland Draft Strategy.

It follows approval of the Council Plan 2022-27, which sets out the strategic framework for how the council will respond to these and all the other challenges we face, with a focus on: recovery and renewal; reducing poverty and inequality; responding to the climate emergency.

Event details

To help us and give us your views, please come along to one of the public drop in sessions arranged in each of East Lothian’s main towns in June:

  • Tuesday 13 June Regent Room and/or the concourse The Brunton, Musselburgh 1.30 to 7.30pm (Regent Room until 6.30pm)
  • Friday 16 June Hope Rooms North Berwick 12.30 to 4pm
  • Monday 19th June Star Room, John Gray Centre (Library) Haddington 2pm to 7.15pm
  • Thursday 22 June Bleachingfield Centre Dunbar (Library) 4.30 to 8.30pm
  • Monday 26 June Pennypit Centre, Prestonpans 4pm to 8pm
  • Tuesday 27th June Musselburgh East Community learning Centre (games hall) noon to -6pm
  • Wednesday 28 June Fraser Centre Tranent 4pm to 8pm

You can also complete the online or paper consultation survey to give us an idea of your thoughts on where you live, work or spend time in East Lothian and on any planning issues you think should be covered in LDP2.

For more information and to access the online consultations, visit the council website.

Further details

The council is beginning the process of preparing our Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) through engagement with East Lothian residents and key stakeholders on the planning issues that could be addressed over the next 10 years.

This first stage of the engagement process will involve asking the public whether we have sufficient information and to gain a community perspective of the issues that are affecting East Lothian. An engagement document and background information will be available online to provide a context for this discussion and pose a series of questions on how residents feel about their area and how key issues can be addressed.

When prepared, the Local Development Plan will explain how much and what type of new development is needed in East Lothian and where it should go. This includes land for housing, employment and other needs such as leisure and open space as well as any necessary infrastructure development such as schools, health facilities, paths, cycleways, stations or roads that might be required along with new development. 

It will also consider less visible infrastructure like fresh water supply and waste water removal and treatment and utility services such as broadband.

LDP2 will also protect some land areas in East Lothian from development where there may be a natural or historic heritage land designation that needs to be taken into account.

Preparing the plan is expected to take three years and is done in stages as set out by Scottish government.

Council Leader Norman Hampshire said: “This is a hugely important piece of work as it will help us plan future development in East Lothian in a controlled way, stating where it is acceptable and where it is not and ensuring that the right infrastructure is in place. LDP2 will help us determine every single planning application that comes to East Lothian Council. It will benefit our communities as LDP2 will pay particular attention to how places can work better in terms of houses being close to the services and places that people need to be able to access easily. I would urge anyone with an interest in shaping East Lothian to give us their views in this initial consultation process.”

The first stage of preparing LDP2 is the Evidence Report. This is where we collect evidence in the form of both statistics and mapped evidence as well as the views of stakeholders and residents, which will help us work out how to deliver both development proposals and protected areas across East Lothian.

The Evidence Report will go to the Scottish Government for approval and will then form the basis of our draft LDP2, which will contain proposals and more detailed local planning policies that will guide decisions on planning applications in future.  When published, stakeholders and residents will have an opportunity to give us their views on the draft.  

Key themes of the LDP2, which will be included in the Evidence Report, will be:

  • Climate Change
  • Nature Crisis
  • Health
  • Place Making

As well as being an important opportunity for early engagement on LDP2, the consultation events will provide an opportunity to engage with staff and find out more about preparations for the Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy, Poverty Plan, Local Economy Strategy and Forestry Woodland Draft Strategy. 

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